The Godfathers of Herstory: Celebrating Father’s Day / 21. 06.20

Time: Sunday 21st June, 7 - 8.30pm

Where: YouTube Live Stream


On Father’s Day, Sunday 21st June, Herstory invites you to a special online event in honour of the fathers who have empowered their daughters throughout the centuries and Herstory’s Godfathers who have played a pivotal role in co-creating the Irish Herstory movement. Equality is human nature and when we spot it, we have to celebrate it!

Join us for a fascinating evening of storytelling and conversation with poet John Ennis, artist Jim Fitzpatrick, celtic wisdom keeper Mari Kennedy, activists Ellie Kisyombé and Salome Mbugua, co-founder of Bard Mythologies Sandy Dunlop, and more.

What is the role of men in feminism? How can we move beyond toxic masculinity and femininity to rewrite the future? Can we turn the gender war into a dance to equality?

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