Goddesses of Ireland: Nollaig na mBan / 6.01.22

Tlachtga by artist Bernie Sexton

Herstory, Moon Mná, and IrishCentral present a Ceiliúradh event on Nollaig na mBan 2022 celebrating the goddesses of Ireland and the ancient wisdom of modern Irish women.

We invite you to join us live via Zoom on Nollaig na mBan, Thursday 6th January 2022, at 8.00pm GMT (3.00pm EST) for a heartwarming celebration with storytelling, poetry, music and dance to revive this ancient tradition with our global gathering of womenfolk.

You will have the opportunity to experience short Immrama (Irish Gaelic for ‘Wonder Voyages’) with Goddesses Brigid, Tlachtga, the Morrigan, the Cailleach, Ériu, Síle Na Gig and Airmid during this wonderful communal event. Dressing up in your glad rags while sipping a cocktail or cocoa is optional!

This event is now available to view:

This celebration is based on the recent book "Goddesses of Ireland: ancient wisdom for modern women" where contemporary Irish women share their personal accounts of how these Goddesses resonate with them, informing and influencing their lives. Uniquely Irish, this exquisitely crafted full-color book highlights how these female Irish deities and their wisdom, echoing down the ages, can inspire, encourage and guide us today.

The pre-Celtic and Celtic Goddesses are archetypes of energy that speak to women of how they may live - a guiding light in the midst of our busy world. Many were seen as having a deep association with the identity of the land and were often viewed as its living embodiment. A key attribute was that of sovereignty – personal power and autonomy. We know of their traits through their myths and legends chronicled in ancient texts. They include Boann, Gráinne, Aisling, Danu, Macha and Áine and there is a beautiful simple self-ceremony to help readers connect with their archetypal energies at the end of each section.

Created by Dr. Karen Ward, founder of Moon Mná Women’s Celtic Circles and co-director of Slí An Chroí Irish Celtic Shamanism and renowned Designer and Publisher Bernie Sexton, the Goddesses of Ireland book offers women the precious gift of time to reflect and ponder. Buy your copy.